Instagram Update
A new format changes the profile grid.
Surprise on Instagram
When I opened my Instagram profile, I immediately noticed a change: the original square posts are now displayed in a 4:5 format. This update surprised me at first, as I had always relied on the square format.
What is behind the change?
Instagram has begun to convert the profile grid from square to rectangular formats in order to better highlight vertical content. The goal is to display vertical photos and videos without unfavorable cropping. This adjustment brings the post tiles closer to the layout of Reels and presents them in portrait orientation with an aspect ratio of 4:5.
Why this change?
Instagram has seen a significant portion of its growth through video content. Therefore, this change is a logical step to align the user experience with current trends. As a UX designer, I find this understandable, even though my previous posts in the square format may lose their impact as a result.
Impacts on users
The ideal size for new posts is now 1080 x 1350 pixels, which corresponds to the 4:5 aspect ratio.
Advantages of the new format:
Images and text appear larger.
Content is clearer in overview.
Disadvantages of the new format:
Older, square or rectangular posts will be cropped.
Text and important image content may be lost.
Adjustment options for existing posts
To adjust existing posts, there is a simple solution:
Click on the three dots at the top right of a post.
Select "Adjust preview".
Add a white or black border to make the image fully visible in the 4:5 preview.
While this solution may not be visually ideal, it prevents cropped content.
To ensure your content stands out optimally in the new profile grid, you should adjust older posts and create future ones in the new format.
Tip: Create new files in the format 1080 x 1350 pixels (96 dpi). Leave safety margins of 200 pixels at the top and bottom so that important content is clearly visible. Position text so that it is displayed correctly in all views.
It remains to be seen how this change will affect Instagram usage in the long term. Will more users switch to videos, or will the classic photo post remain relevant? Personally, I still prefer photos, as I am reluctant to present myself in front of the camera.