Fluid Styled Content - Customise / individualise content elements
For example, if you want to adjust the order of the HTML structure of content elements, you can easily adjust the semantics using Fluid Styled Content.
What is fluid styled content anyway?
This file contains all descriptions of how an element, fed from the backend input fields, is rendered.
Before version 7.xxx, CSS Styled Content was used. As this concept has been replaced by the Fluid concept, here is a brief guide.
If you are still using an older version, you should log in to the install tool. There you can use the Upgrade Wizard to migrate the relations from CSS Styled Content to Fluid Styled Content. The database should then also be updated to the latest version. This can also be done in the install tool.
CSS Styled Content should then be deactivated, as we no longer need it.
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Copy Fluid Styled Content files to your own directory
Im Ordner typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private findet man die Dateien, die wir herunterladen und in bspw. fileadmin kopieren.
Template / Constants / Content
Now we call up the Template function on the left-hand side of TYPO3 and click on the page that contains the main template.
There we can call up the item Content in the constant editor. At the bottom you will find the option to change the path to the template.
Of course, you can also do this directly in the root template under Constants:
styles.templates.templateRootPath = fileadmin/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Templates
styles.templates.layoutRootPath = fileadmin/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Layouts
Just a matter of taste.
Now you can customise the templates as you wish.
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Version: <= 9.xx